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Hitachi ZX 170W-3 ratavarustuksella

60 000 €

Seller information

Maatori OyMika TanhuanpääSend a message

Basic information

Product groupWheeled excavators
BrandHitachi ZX 170W-3 ratavarustuksella
Year of manufacture2008
Hours of use13 500 h


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Price excl. VAT60 000 €
VAT (25.5%)15 300 €
Price incl. VAT75 300 €


Registration number394-UAU
Manufacturing / Serial numberJK6CGD04800003090
Other informationHitachi ZX 170W-3 ratavarustuksella
Vm 2008
Stage III A päästöluokka
20.11.23 tunnit 13500h, kone vapautuu 4/24
Ratalupa voimassa 6/2028
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NTP-10 kiinnike
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