+ 2

[Other] Omavalmiste 2 akselinen kippikärry

15 000 €

Seller information

Basic information

Product groupTipper trailers
Brand[Other] Omavalmiste 2 akselinen kippikärry


Choose currencyRequest a financing offer
Price excl. VAT15 000 €
VAT (24%)3 600 €
Price incl. VAT18 600 €


Other informationOmavalmiste 2 akselinen kippikärry
Ei rekisterissä, traktorin perään
Hydraulinen perälauta
Hardox pohja
Matala laitakorkeus
Korotuslaidat lumelle
Teli tehdastekoinen
Kantavuus noin 16000kg
Sijainti Raahe

Mika Tanhuanpää
Tel. +358 400764580

30 years of responsible and reliable business

We are the largest heavy machinery trading company in the Nordic countries. By offering one of Europe’s largest sales inventories, we enable buyers to make better comparisons and find the right price level. In heavy machinery trading we prioritize reliability and safety, ensuring that all parties can do business securely and without risks.

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